29 Easter Games for Kids and Adults: Fun Activities for All Ages

Easter is one of those holidays that brings families together, often with lots of laughter and joy. Whether you’re hosting a big family gathering or a small get-together with friends, one of the best ways to celebrate is through fun and engaging games. The great thing about Easter games is that they can be enjoyed by both kids and adults alike, making everyone feel included.

If you’re looking to bring some excitement to your Easter celebrations, look no further. In this post, we’ll introduce you to 29 Easter games for kids and adults that are perfect for making lasting memories.

Table of Contents

1. Easter Egg Hunt

An Easter classic, the Easter Egg Hunt is a must-have at any Easter celebration. It’s simple, fun, and can be enjoyed by all ages, from toddlers to adults.

How to Play:

Fill plastic eggs with small treats, toys, or notes with funny challenges. Hide the eggs around your yard or house. To make it more interesting for adults, you can add clues or riddles to the hunt, or even have a themed egg hunt, such as a “golden egg” for a special prize.

The best part? You can adjust the difficulty based on the age group. For kids, hide eggs in obvious places. For adults, make it more challenging by using tricky spots or puzzles that lead to the next egg.

Why It’s Great:

An Easter Egg Hunt fosters friendly competition and excitement for everyone involved. Plus, it’s the perfect way to get kids running around, while adults can relive the joy of their childhood Easter celebrations.

2. Easter Egg Roll Race

If you have a spacious yard or access to an outdoor area, the Easter Egg Roll Race is a fantastic way to get everyone involved. This game has been around for ages and is fun for both kids and adults.

How to Play:

The goal of this game is simple—roll an egg across a finish line using a spoon, but there’s a catch! You can’t touch the egg with your hands. Players use spoons to roll the eggs from one point to another, and the first person to reach the finish line wins.

Why It’s Great:

This game is a great way to encourage friendly competition, and it can get hilarious as players try to balance their eggs. For added difficulty, make it a relay race with teams, or introduce obstacles in the path to increase the challenge for adults.

3. Bunny Hop Relay Race

Hop like a bunny! This Easter-themed race is guaranteed to get everyone moving and laughing.

How to Play:

Divide the group into teams and have them race from one point to another while hopping like a bunny. The twist is that they must hop in a straight line, and if they fall out of line, they must start over.

Why It’s Great:

This game is an easy way to get everyone outside and active. It’s simple enough for young kids to enjoy and fun enough to make adults feel like kids again. You can add variations, such as hopping with a balloon between the knees for extra challenge.

4. Egg and Spoon Race

This traditional Easter game is simple but incredibly fun. It’s a great way to encourage both individual and team competition while having a blast.

How to Play:

Each player must balance an egg on a spoon and race to the finish line without dropping it. If the egg falls, they must return to the starting point and try again.

Why It’s Great:

This game combines fun and challenge, making it perfect for kids and adults. It’s also an excellent game for teamwork if you’re playing in pairs or teams. Add a little twist by timing the race or setting up a series of obstacles.

5. Easter Bingo

If you’re looking for a laid-back, easy-to-play game that still brings excitement, Easter Bingo is a wonderful option.

How to Play:

Create bingo cards with Easter-themed images or words like “bunny,” “egg,” “chocolate,” and “basket.” As players mark off the items on their cards, the first person to complete a row or full card yells “Bingo!” and wins.

Why It’s Great:

Easter Bingo is fun for all ages and can be easily customized for your crowd. It’s ideal for larger gatherings where not everyone can participate in more physical games. Plus, you can give small prizes to the winners to keep the competitive spirit alive.

6. Pin the Tail on the Bunny

A twist on the classic “Pin the Tail on the Donkey,” this Easter version is perfect for younger kids but fun for all ages.

How to Play:

Blindfolded players take turns trying to pin a fluffy cotton tail onto a large picture of a bunny. Whoever gets the closest to the correct spot wins.

Why It’s Great:

This game is lighthearted and simple, making it perfect for younger children. However, adults can get in on the fun as well, making it a great option for family gatherings with various age groups.

7. Easter Egg Toss

Get a little messy and have some fun with this Easter Egg Toss game. It’s great for groups and encourages laughter as players try to prevent their eggs from breaking.

How to Play:

Players pair up and toss an egg back and forth, taking a step back after each successful catch. The challenge is not to break the egg. The last team standing with an unbroken egg wins.

Why It’s Great:

This game encourages teamwork and helps everyone bond while getting a little competitive. You can also adjust the difficulty by using plastic eggs for a mess-free option or real eggs for an added challenge.

8. Egg Painting Contest

Unleash your inner artist with an Easter egg decorating contest. It’s a great game for kids and adults to get creative and have fun together.

How to Play:

Provide players with eggs, paint, markers, glitter, and other decorating supplies. Set a time limit for decorating, and then let everyone vote on the best designs. You can have categories like “most creative,” “funniest,” or “best use of glitter.”

Why It’s Great:

Egg painting is a creative and relaxing activity that can be enjoyed by everyone. Whether you’re competing to create the funniest or the most beautiful design, this game sparks creativity and allows for lots of laughs.

9. Easter Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are always a hit, and this Easter version will have your guests searching high and low for Easter-themed treasures.

How to Play:

Create a list of items or clues related to Easter (like a chocolate bunny, a plastic egg, or a bunny figurine). Hide these items around the house or yard and have participants race to find them. You can make the hunt more challenging for adults by giving riddles or puzzles instead of straightforward clues.

Why It’s Great:

The Easter Scavenger Hunt is a versatile game. It can be customized for various ages and can be played indoors or outdoors. It encourages problem-solving skills and teamwork, making it perfect for family gatherings.

10. Egg Bowling

Take bowling to a whole new level with this Easter-inspired version using eggs instead of bowling balls.

How to Play:

Set up a set of plastic or wooden pins and use plastic eggs as bowling balls. Players roll the eggs and try to knock down as many pins as possible. You can keep track of points or just play for fun.

Why It’s Great:

Egg Bowling adds a quirky twist to traditional bowling. It’s fun, low-maintenance, and can be played both indoors and outdoors. Plus, it’s easy to set up, making it a great last-minute game for Easter gatherings.

11. Bunny Tail Hunt

This game is especially fun for young kids and helps them develop their searching skills while enjoying some playful competition.

How to Play:

Hide cotton balls (bunny tails) around your yard or house. Players must find as many tails as possible within a set amount of time. The person who finds the most bunny tails wins a prize.

Why It’s Great:

This game is simple, easy to set up, and can be enjoyed by kids of all ages. You can also create variations, such as requiring the kids to find tails of different colors or shapes for extra challenge.

12. Easter Charades

This game is perfect for families who enjoy acting and laughing together. Charades is always a fun way to test your acting skills and get everyone in on the action.

How to Play:

Write Easter-themed actions (like “hopping like a bunny” or “decorating an Easter egg”) on pieces of paper. Players take turns drawing an action from the hat and acting it out for the rest of the group to guess.

Why It’s Great:

Easter Charades is great for all ages. It’s simple, entertaining, and brings everyone together with lots of laughs. Plus, there’s no need for props or special equipment—just your creativity!

13. Jelly Bean Guessing Game

This one is simple, but it’s always a crowd-pleaser. Guessing games are a great way to engage everyone, whether you’re trying to get the most accurate guess or simply having fun.

How to Play:

Fill a jar with jelly beans (or any candy of your choice) and have everyone guess how many beans are inside. The person who guesses the closest wins the jar of jelly beans.

Why It’s Great:

It’s an easy game to play that doesn’t require much preparation. Plus, the winner gets a sweet reward! It’s especially fun for large gatherings where there’s a mix of kids and adults.

14. Easter Story Relay

This is a creative and fun game that encourages teamwork and imagination.

How to Play:

Start a story with one sentence and have each person take turns adding to the story. It could be an Easter-themed tale with bunnies, eggs, and candy. The more outrageous the additions, the better.

Why It’s Great:

This game promotes creativity and is sure to generate lots of laughs. Plus, it’s a wonderful way to get everyone involved, regardless of age.

15. Easter Pinata Smash

A piñata is always a hit at any celebration, and Easter is no exception. The Easter-themed piñata can be filled with candy, small toys, or Easter surprises.

How to Play:

Hang up an Easter-themed piñata and have everyone take turns trying to break it open with a stick. When the piñata breaks, everyone rushes to grab as much candy or prizes as they can.

Why It’s Great:

This game brings a sense of excitement and anticipation to any Easter gathering. It’s a fun way for everyone to compete while also enjoying some sweet treats afterward.

16. Easter Basket Relay

This game is a perfect blend of teamwork, speed, and Easter spirit.

How to Play:

Set up a relay race course, and give each player an Easter basket. The first person must race to a designated point, fill their basket with eggs (real or plastic), and race back to their team. The next player repeats the process until the entire team has gone.

Why It’s Great:

The Easter Basket Relay is a fun, energetic game that encourages teamwork. It can be easily adjusted for all ages, and you can add extra challenges, like balancing the basket on your head or hopping instead of running.

17. Easter Egg Spoon Relay

Version 1.0.0

For a more challenging and competitive twist on the classic egg-and-spoon race, this version brings in teams and strategy.

How to Play:

Divide your group into teams and set up a racecourse. Each player must balance an egg on a spoon and race to the finish line. If the egg drops, the player must return to the starting point. The first team to have all members complete the race wins.

Why It’s Great:

This game adds a layer of competition and teamwork. Plus, it’s a great way to get people active without needing much space or preparation.

18. Bunny Says

Think of this as an Easter-themed version of “Simon Says,” but with bunnies!

How to Play:

One person is designated as the “Bunny,” and they give commands like “Bunny says hop like a bunny” or “Bunny says spin around in a circle.” If the Bunny doesn’t say “Bunny says” before a command, players shouldn’t follow it. Anyone who does the wrong action is out.

Why It’s Great:

Bunny Says is a fun and silly game that’s great for young kids, but it can be equally hilarious for adults too. It’s also easy to play anywhere, from your living room to the backyard.

19. Egg Toss Challenge

This is another version of the traditional egg toss, but with an added twist of difficulty.

How to Play:

Pair up players and give each pair a raw egg. Players must toss the egg back and forth, taking a step back after every successful catch. The pair that is able to toss the egg the farthest without it breaking wins the game.

Why It’s Great:

The Egg Toss Challenge creates excitement and suspense as players try to keep the egg intact. It’s a perfect combination of coordination and competitive fun.

20. Easter Word Search

A quiet yet engaging activity, Easter word searches are perfect for all ages, especially as a relaxing break between more energetic games.

How to Play:

Create Easter-themed word search puzzles with words like “bunny,” “eggs,” “chocolate,” and “spring.” Players race to find all the words as quickly as possible. Whoever finishes first wins a small prize.

Why It’s Great:

It’s a low-energy but engaging game that encourages concentration and problem-solving. This is great for kids to work on their word skills or for adults who want a calm, competitive game.

21. Easter Egg Bowling (Indoor Version)

If you’re stuck indoors or don’t have a large outdoor space, this version of Easter Egg Bowling can still be a fun activity for everyone.

How to Play:

Set up a bowling lane using plastic cups or empty toilet paper rolls as pins. Players use plastic Easter eggs to bowl, rolling them towards the pins. The player who knocks down the most pins in one roll wins.

Why It’s Great:

Easter Egg Bowling is a perfect indoor game for all ages. It’s simple to set up, requires very little equipment, and can be adapted for different skill levels.

22. Egg Decorating Relay

Egg decorating is a wonderful Easter tradition, and turning it into a relay race adds a fun, competitive element.

How to Play:

Divide players into teams and give each team an egg and decorating supplies. The first player must decorate the egg within a set time limit, then pass it off to the next person. The team with the best-decorated egg at the end of the relay wins.

Why It’s Great:

This game blends creativity and friendly competition, and it’s a great way to keep kids and adults engaged. You can also include categories like “most creative” or “funniest design” for extra fun.

23. Easter Egg Hunt Obstacle Course

If you’re looking for a more active and challenging Easter Egg Hunt, try turning it into an obstacle course.

How to Play:

Set up an obstacle course that players must navigate while hunting for Easter eggs. You can include crawling under tables, hopping over small hurdles, or solving riddles to find the next egg.

Why It’s Great:

This is a fun and unique twist on the traditional Easter Egg Hunt. It keeps everyone moving and adds an element of physical challenge, making it a perfect game for older kids and adults.

24. Pin the Egg on the Bunny

This game takes the classic “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” to a whole new level with an Easter twist.

How to Play:

Create a large bunny poster and cut out several egg-shaped pieces of paper. Blindfold the players and have them try to pin the egg onto the bunny’s basket. The person who gets the egg closest to the right spot wins.

Why It’s Great:

Pin the Egg on the Bunny is a playful game that’s perfect for younger children, but adults will have just as much fun as they try to hit the target while blindfolded!

25. Jelly Bean Relay Race

This is a fun and delicious game that combines speed with a little treat-eating competition.

How to Play:

Set up a relay race where players must transfer jelly beans from one container to another using only a spoon. The first team to transfer all the jelly beans wins.

Why It’s Great:

The Jelly Bean Relay is fast-paced and easy to play, plus it gives everyone a chance to enjoy some candy! It’s a great way to get the competitive spirit flowing while also satisfying everyone’s sweet tooth.

26. Easter Themed Pictionary

A great game for those who enjoy drawing and guessing, Easter-themed Pictionary is a fantastic icebreaker for any gathering.

How to Play:

Write Easter-related phrases (like “hunting for eggs” or “bunny ears”) on slips of paper. Players take turns drawing the phrases while others guess what they’re drawing. The first team to guess correctly gets a point.

Why It’s Great:

This game is all about creativity and fun. You don’t need any special equipment—just some paper, pens, and your imagination. It’s also a great option for families with kids of all ages.

27. Easter Basket Toss

A fun, skill-based game that is easy to set up and exciting to play.

How to Play:

Place several Easter baskets at varying distances and give players a few plastic eggs. Players must toss the eggs into the baskets. The player with the most eggs in the baskets wins.

Why It’s Great:

This game is perfect for all ages and can be easily adjusted in difficulty. It’s also a fun way to practice hand-eye coordination while competing in a lighthearted way.

28. Easter Pictionary Scavenger Hunt

Why not combine Pictionary with a scavenger hunt for an extra challenge?

How to Play:

Players take turns drawing an Easter-related object or activity on a whiteboard or large paper. The rest of the team must race to find that object hidden around the house or yard. The first team to find it wins.

Why It’s Great:

This game is a creative blend of drawing, searching, and problem-solving. It’s ideal for a mixed-age crowd and can be a great way to keep everyone active and engaged.

29. Easter Basket Building Contest

This is a creative and hands-on game that’s perfect for those who enjoy crafting and competition.

How to Play:

Give players various crafting supplies (like paper, ribbons, glue, and felt) and challenge them to create the best Easter basket. Set a time limit, and then have everyone vote for the best creation.

Why It’s Great:

This game is perfect for sparking creativity. It’s a fun way to get everyone involved, and the end result is a beautiful, one-of-a-kind basket for each participant!


With these 29 Easter games for kids and adults, you’re sure to create an Easter celebration that’s filled with fun, laughter, and cherished memories. Whether you’re looking for competitive races, creative crafting, or just a way to unwind with family, these games are the perfect way to bring your loved ones together.

The beauty of these games lies in their versatility: they can be played indoors, outdoors, or even at the last minute with minimal preparation. Plus, they cater to a wide range of ages, ensuring that everyone can join in on the fun.

So, as Easter approaches, gather your family and friends, and get ready for a day filled with laughter, joy, and plenty of Easter-themed games!


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